Tips To Lose Weight

Friday, February 4, 2011

pH Balanced Diet Is Very Important

Is your body pH balanced? If not, it is time to try a pH balanced diet. 

Health experts have noticed that popular diets seem to go in waves. While the 90s were marked by the low-fat diet craze, the last six to seven years have been focused on low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins, the South Beach Diet, Protein Power and Sugarbusters. As people become frustrated with each type of diet, they look for something new to try.

A pH balanced diet is the focus of a lot of new interest.

pH balanced

The pH Balanced Human Body

A pH balanced diet is so appealing to people because it is a complete 180-degree turn from the high-protein, low carbohydrate diets of the past few years. One of the pH balanced diets is the pH Miracle diet, also called the alkaline diet or the Young Diet, after its creator Robert Young, and it has a totally different approach to nutrition. Many holistic doctors and nutritionists see it as a more balanced approach to nutrition that takes the body’s true needs into account.

Basically, the human body has a pH that is slightly alkaline. The theory is that since the human body runs at this pH, our diet should be comprised of mostly alkaline foods. The standard American diet has many foods that are considered acidic, such as animal protein, sugar, caffeine and packaged foods.

All of these foods disrupt the pH balanced body and cause a whole host of problems. The proponents of the pH Miracle diet say that all of these acidic foods actually disrupt the body’s use of alkaline minerals. These minerals include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium, which make people prone to chronic diseases.

pH Balanced Programs

pH Balanced Programs

This is the real crux of the importance of the pH balanced diet. The nutrition and health community has come to realize that what a person puts into their body has a profound effect on their overall health. Although the mainstream medical community has emphasized a balanced diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products, the pH balanced diet takes this a step further. It points out that the acidic foods actually rob your body of essential minerals. Those who follow the pH miracle diet are avoiding foods that can be disastrous to their health.

Many of the foods that we eat commonly are considered no-nos on the pH miracle diet. One of the most surprising omissions is the absence of wheat products. The FDA recommends whole-wheat products for better health. Yet according the pH balanced diet, grains like wheat, millet, oats and rice are acidic and harmful. The alkaline grains of buckwheat, quinoa and spelt are favored for their alkalizing benefits.

Generally, all meats and dairy are omitted on the pH Miracle diet. If you’re worried about protein, goat milk is slightly alkaline. There is also protein provided from vegetarian options like beans, tofu and certain nuts and seeds. Most vegetables have alkalizing effects, except for mushrooms. Fruits are limited to coconut, grapefruit, lemon and lime.

A pH Balanced Diet Will Have a Profound Effect on Your Health

Those that have tried the pH miracle diet say that they feel massive effects on their health within the first few weeks. Lowering the intake of processed foods and eating more vegetables is good health advice for everyone, whether or not they follow the specifications of this particular diet.

In fact, this has been one of the major criticisms of the pH miracle diet. Opponents say that if people are already eating fresh foods and drinking plenty of water, then the diet will have no effect. They disregard the acid/alkaline balance theory.

pH Balanced Programs

Another important thing to consider is that there has been no scientific testing of the theories behind the pH balanced diet. Also, many conventional medical doctors see no benefit to the program. However, the principles behind the diet are based on holistic medicine and Chinese medicine, which have been around for centuries. The ph Miracle diet principles are currently being studies at John Hopkins’s university and by Dr. Neil Solomon of the United Nations.

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or treatment. You should seek medical advice before
starting this or any other weight loss or fitness regimen.
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It does not matter what the critics think, if the pH balanced diet works for you.

pH Balance Diet-Acid and Alkaline Foods

The main concept behind the pH miracle diet is to maintain a pH balance in the foods that you eat. The human body is slightly alkaline and therefore it is better for your health to eat a diet composed of alkalizing foods. When you eat too many acidic foods, your system loses its correct pH balance causing a whole host of problems, including weight gain, poor concentration, fatigue and depressed immunity that can lead to more serious conditions.

The pH miracle diet relies on lists of foods that are acidic (to be avoided) and alkalizing (to be emphasized). The alkalizing foods are better for your health and help to keep the proper pH balance of your body. While acid, alkaline and pH are common terms, many people do not understand exactly what they mean and what they have to do with nutrition and health.

The word “basic” comes from the Greek word “basis” which means foundation. “Basic” relates to the properties of acidity and alkalinity. These conditions are determined at the foundation of the cells that the foods are made up of. So an external treatment does not change a food from acid to alkaline. Foods are acid or alkaline at their base, or foundation.

pH Balance Programs

pH balance

Acid and alkaline are chemical opposites. Whenever these bases interact with acids, there is a struggle between them and salt is the result. In the chemist’s lab, these interactions are very simple and straightforward. However, in our bodies, the interaction becomes more complex because of the scale at which acids and bases meet.

However, science can make some generalizations about the effects of acids and alkaline in the human digestion system. Acidic foods are acid forming in the human body, and eating them will lower the pH balance of your body. They make blood, lymph and saliva more acid and cause a lower pH number. Alkaline foods make blood, lymph and saliva more alkaline and cause a higher pH number.

Just for reference, the “normal” range for saliva pH is between 7.3 and 7.4. Most people, however, are too acidic and have a pH balance that is much lower. They are burned out, tired and their bodies are starving for balance. Under the influence of acidic foods the muscles fatigue easily. You literally slow down because your body cannot produce the same physical results as before.

pH Balance Is Important

The free radical oxidation that occurs when you eat acidic foods makes you age faster. Vitamins and minerals are not absorbed as readily. Friendly bacteria in the small intestine die, which puts the digestive system off balance.

Further hurting the function of the intestine is the fact that a high level of acidity inhibits the ability for intestinal walls to absorb nutrients. Cells become stressed with the toxins that build up and cannot remove them. The vast majority of bodily systems cannot run at full capacity.

On the other hand, alkaline foods have a wide variety of benefits to your health. Eating them improves your muscle output. They also have antioxidant effects in the body. They increase assimilation at the cellular level and allow cells to operate in the manner that they should. There is a reduction of parasites and yeast overgrowth with the use of alkaline foods. Alkaline foods promote deeper and more restful sleep, more youthful skin and relieve suffering from colds, headaches and the flu. Alkaline foods promote abundant physical energy.

Alkalize Your Body For pH Balance

pH balancepH balance

The Importance of pH Balance and Cancer

Perhaps the most important differences between acid and alkaline foods are their relationship to cancer. Cancerous tissues are acidic, and health tissues are alkaline. When oxygen enters an acidic solution it combines with hydrogen ions can form water.

Oxygen helps to neutralize the acid, but acid prevents oxygen from reaching tissues where it is needed. When oxygen enters an alkaline solution, the two hydroxyl ions combine with the solution to create one water molecule and one oxygen atom.

The sole oxygen atom is free to go to the next cell and bring the benefits of oxygen to all of the tissue in the body. At a pH of slightly above 7.4, cancer cells become dormant. Studies show that at pH 8.5, cancer cells die and healthy cells live.

Alkalizing the diet has many benefits, in addition to cancer prevention. The alkaline food list is a selection of choices that will benefit your health when you start incorporating them into your pH balance diet.

pH balance

pH balance can be maintained by eating an alkaline diet keeping you healthy.

pH Balance Controls Disease

pH Balance Diet Is Not Just a Diet for Weight Loss

Have you ever heard of the term pH balance? When your temperature is above 98.6 you know that you have something wrong. The same is true when your pH balance is below 7.0. The farther below 7.0 you are, the more likely you are to have a serious disease, or be overweight.

What is a pH Balance Diet

When many people hear the word “diet” they immediately think of weight loss. The focus on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet really means any food or drinks you put into your body.

The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first volume of this popular series was dedicated to health in general. The original pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging.

pH Balance Through Green Drinks

pH balance

What does aging have to do with pH balance and acid/alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. The theory is that we get older because we do not effectively get rid of the wastes and toxins that accumulated through our bodies.

Learn About Your pH Balance

We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of food you eat, vegetable or meat, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk food, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.

pH Balance Programs

In order to function correctly, the cells use these nutrients. They “oxidize” them or burn them up into natural acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids and fatty acids. The cells expel these acids as waste into urine and sweat. When the body is functioning properly and in a proper pH balance, these waste acids are no problem.

The body can get rid of them quickly and easily, and you can maintain a normal pH of around 7.4.
However, the modern way of living has resulted in our bodies not being able to rid themselves of the acids correctly.

Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, overwork, stress, smoking, pollution and high acid diets (heavy in meat and dairy products) all prevent our bodies from properly expelling these acids, thus throwing off our pH balance. There is too much acidic production from these lifestyle and diet factors, and the body simply cannot get rid of it.

Reduce Acidity For pH Balance

pH balance

Even worse, modern farming and food production practices are making foods more acidic than they used to be. Inorganic acid minerals like chlorine, phosphorus and sulfur seep into meats, grains and root crops through soil, air quality and farming practices. We are consuming more inorganic acid minerals than ever before. All of this contributes to our bodies’ inability to rid themselves of acid.

pH Balance Diet

The pH balance diet is a perfect balance to our over-acidified lives that cause premature aging. Aging occurs because of the build up of acidic elements in the body. Healthy cells naturally have a slightly alkaline pH level, and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells.

In order to stop aging and reverse the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you must start alkalizing your diet according to the principles set out in any pH balance diet. You must help you body develop a better system to rid itself of the acid wastes. Then you must facilitate it in pulling old wastes out of your body.
pH Balance Program

pH balancepH balance

The first step requires that you drink plenty of water, especially acid free alkaline water. Just 4 glasses of alkaline water is more effective than 8 glasses of regular water. Water ionizers are available to help you create alkaline water in the comfort of your home. This water will help flush out your system and get rid of the build up acidity within it.

The pH balance diet also encourages people to eat a higher percentage of alkaline foods in their diet. The alkalizing foods will help restore the pH balance to the body and push the remaining acid waste build up out of the body. According to pH miracle diet fans, the results are a more youthful glow, more energy and a relief from some of the symptoms of aging, like arthritis.

 pH balance

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knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice
or treatment. You should seek medical advice before
starting this or any other weight loss or fitness regimen.
We make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your
individual results.

pH Balance-Acid Alkaline Diet Course

Regaining pH balance in your body will result in a more youthful, healthier you.

Reasons Why Most Weight Loss Programs Fail

A lot of weight has been lost on a lot of different weight loss programs, but how many of those pounds end up being put back on. Many people are successful at losing weight, but it only remains a success if the weight stays off. Why are so few people successful at keeping the weight off?

There are many mistakes people make that make their program not work. The top mistake might be that they do not count calories. The number of calories you eat during each day is the determining factor on whether you are going to gain weight or lose it. If you are not counting the calories you eat, then it is very easy to be eating more than you think. Make sure that you keep track of all the food you eat.

The next important mistake is to think that you can lose weight and keep it off without some kind of exercise program. In order to keep weight from coming back, you need some kind of physical exercise. If the diet plan you are thinking about does not have exercise with it, then look for another one. The best exercise you can do, is to walk. 25 miles a week, along with healthy food, will save your life.

Another mistake people make is to not eat enough food. For proper health the body needs to have certain nutrients and vitamins, so you must eat enough food to get what you need. Also if you do not eat, your body will store fat, instead of burning it. To keep your metabolism moving you need to eat less food, more often.

One more mistake is failing to set goals. If you do not set a goal where you can check your progress, then you will be planning to fail. Why waste your time and effort to start a weight loss program, and then not follow through with it? The last reason for failing at any weight loss plan is because you will not change your eating habits.

The reason people gain weight in the first place is because of the food that they eat. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. If you keep eating the same way, why would you lose weight.

Make your weight loss plan work. Make sure you count all of the calories you eat. Find some type of exercise that you can do every day. Take the amount of food that you need for your whole day, and separate it into five meals. Set realistic goals, and find a group who will support you, and do not quit.

You Really Can Lose Weight Easily

Did you know that there really is a way to lose weight easily? That may come as a surprise to you, since there are so many diet plans, and the fact that the majority of the United States population is overweight.

Have you ever tried a weight loss plan? So many plans work at first, but then the weight is gained back, and then some. To lose weight, and keep it off, you need a strategy that completely changes your eating habits.

There are so many good foods to eat, there should be something that you can use to replace the bad foods that you have been eating to get you overweight.

There are five proven things that will help you lose weight easily.

The best way is to burn more calories than you take in. You do this by cutting down on high fat foods, and take up a simple exercise, such as walking.

Another way is to sign up for a gym membership, where you can get planned exercise programs, and people to support you. It is always easier to stick with exercising when you are doing it with others. Encouraging others to follow through is the best way to keep going yourself.

Another way to help you lose weight is to see a professional nutritionist. The hardest part of diet plans is to know what foods to eat. Why some weight loss programs are so popular is each meal is planned for you.

The reason that they fail to work is when the program is over, you do not keep eating the same foods. Find a healthy diet plan and stay on it the rest of your life.

The fourth best way to lose weight easily is to have a training partner. Find someone who will be an encouragement for you, and you can be for them. You need someone who will keep you going.

The last way to lose weight is to eat less food more often. Find the amount of food you should eat for the whole day, and then spread it over five or six meals instead of three. Do not allow the extra meals to give you an excuse to eat more food.

By spreading the food over more meals, you allow your metabolism to be increased, and it allows for better digestion, and less of the food will be stored. To lose weight depends on the individual, because bodies are different, and everyone has different tastes in food.

Also mental outlook is different for each, and what you think determines how well you will do on any program.

Lose Weight Easily By Eating a Raw Food Diet

One of the best ways to lose weight easily is by adding alkaline foods to your diet. Eating fast foods too often, along with unnatural foods with lots of preservatives, are some of the reasons for gaining weight. What the body really needs is all the nutrients that come from fresh, raw foods.

Once you start eating a diet of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods you will notice a change in how you are feeling. For most people looking for a way to lose weight easily the answer is as simple as changing to a raw food diet including fresh fruits and vegetables, along with fresh juices, purified water, seeds and nuts.

To go on a alkaline diet you will give up eating so much meat, and eat a mainly vegetarian diet of living foods. There are many benefits of a raw food diet, but one of the best is the fiber you get, which helps with weight loss and good colon health.

Another reason for giving up junk food for raw foods is the health benefit fiber gives you in preventing cancer. The body needs enzymes for digestion and absorption of nutrients, and heating foods above 116 degrees destroys the enzymes, so if you were looking for a reason to change to a fruit and vegetable diet, eating living foods with their enzymes is a good reason.

Do you need more reasons? More benefits of raw foods are increased energy, better digestion, healthier skin, and if that is not enough, then how about reducing your risk of diseases and losing weight. A healthy body starts from the inside out, so you need a clean colon as well as liver and kidneys. Eating various combinations of raw foods will cleanse your entire body.

Depending on why you are doing a raw food diet will determine which foods you will choose. Are you looking to ways to boost your metabolism, or to slow down absorption of glucose, then sprouted brown rice will work for you?

Cabbage is good to help cellular function, a good anti-oxidant is radish leaves, and good eyesight needs carrots. There are foods that have been called super foods because they contain so many vitamins, proteins, minerals, and enzymes. Sprouts are one of these ideal foods.

If you are interested in starting an alkaline diet, but not sure how to eat that many vegetables, then start by juicing. Slowly replace the bad foods in your diet with juicing, and you will find yourself becoming healthier, and weighing less. Juice recipes are easy to find, and through trial and error you will find juice recipes that are good for you, and also taste good

If you are looking to lose weight easily and become a healthy person, then the nutritional value of a raw food diet is for you.

Regain Your Health Through a pH Balanced Diet

People have been dieting for as long as I can remember. I have tried plenty of diets myself. Recently I have been learning about pH medicine and the value of having a balanced pH. It is not necessary to understand everything about pH and the body, but you should gets some pH strips and measure your own pH levels.

The pH scale is from 1 to 14, with 1 being very acid, and 14 being very alkaline. To remain healthy your body needs to be slightly above 7. There is nothing new about eating a vegetarian diet from organic foods, but adding in the pH factor is unknown to most people. How many times have you been told to eat your vegetables, and how good they are for your health, but were you ever told that you needed them to keep your acid/alkaline balance in proper proportion?

Maybe you have never heard of the pH miracle diet, but learning about the concepts and benefits to your health, you should be motivated to start eating this way. It is definitely not the normal American diet, and may be difficult to do, unless you can see the value in it.

What most people do not understand is their good health or lack of good health is determined by the food they eat. The standard American diet has made people overweight and unhealthy. Western medicine has no answers other than dealing with symptoms, never getting to the cause of problems.

The pH miracle diet is a total new way of thinking, and will be difficult because it is going against the norm, just like trying natural cures to health problems rather than traditional medicine. To do a pH balanced diet you will have to look at food in a new way, such as the importance of meat and dairy.

It is hard to make a complete 180 degree turn in anything in life, but with eating and cooking this can be extremely difficult because eating habits are hard to break. The good thing is that to change to a balanced pH diet it does not have to be done all at once. It can be gradually, changing one food at a time.

It is hard to stay on a radically different diet for a long time if you cut out all of your favorite meals all at once. The best approach is to go slowly at your own pace. Understanding why you should have the right acid/alkaline balance may get you motivated to try a pH diet, but you will not really learn the benefits until you start replacing the acid foods with alkaline foods and see how your body is being affected.

The goal of the pH miracle diet is to only eat 30% acid foods while eating 70% alkaline foods. Since everybody is different in their likes and dislikes, the success of the diet will be dependent on which aspects of the program you are willing to do. Once you understand the pH concept of food, you will be able to decide which of your favorite foods you are willing to give up.

When you see the pH of what you drink, such as alcohol or soda pop, you will understand why they are so detrimental to your health. A pH balanced diet is a new way of life. It is not just a fad diet to lose weight quickly, but once you understand how it is that acid foods make you fat, you should want to eliminate them from your diet.

There are lots of different foods, all with a certain pH value, so finding foods that will work for each individual should not be that hard. Most Americans have a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5 and would benefit greatly from changing to a mostly alkaline diet. If your pH level is below 5.5 you probably already have serious health problems, or you are headed that way.

An ideal pH balanced diet should be your goal, but it can be done at your own pace. For me it started by cutting down on pop with the intent to eliminate it completely. I have cut back on eating out, and have totally removed certain things from my diet. I have been drinking way more water, and have also started juicing.

Everyone needs to begin in their own way, deciding for themselves which acid-forming foods to replace with alkaline foods. The goal is to have a pH balance above 7.0 and become more healthy, and this can be done by eating alkaline foods. If you have been eating mainly acid-forming foods your body will need a time of adjustment to your new diet.