Tips To Lose Weight

Monday, February 21, 2011

Are Meal Replacements A Good Idea For Weight Loss?

Think about the number one reasons why people are overweight nowadays. Overweight people fall into one of two different categories.

Either they have an unhealthy lifestyle – working long hours, eating out all the time, not getting enough exercise – or they simply eat too much, often in a compulsive way.

This type of eating – eating when one isn’t hungry, for example, or eating for emotional reasons rather than physical hunger – is really a type of addiction. It should be understood as an addiction, and it often is.

For example, the group Overeaters Anonymous functions on many of the same principles as AA or other twelve step programs. Excessive eating is treated like an addiction because that’s exactly what it is.

But if that’s the case, it’s easy to see why this addiction might be harder to treat than some others. The way to deal with an addiction is to stay away from the behaviour that’s out of control – alcoholics can’t touch alcohol, for example. The idea is to not do it at all until the addiction becomes a thing of the past – in fact, for many addicts, they can never indulge in their addictive behavior again, not even once.

With food addiction, though, that’s obviously impossible. People have to eat – there’s no getting away from it. That’s why food addiction, though it’s an addiction to a non-lethal substance, may be the hardest of all to deal with. And that’s also why companies such as Slim-fast, who produce and market meal replacements for people to use while dieting to lose weight, actually do succeed in helping some people.

The idea behind meal replacements is that you don’t really eat at all for a good part of the day – instead, you have a special shake or other product that gives you all the nutrients you need, and stops you from feeling hungry. This works in two ways: first, it controls the calories you take in, because the meal replacements are quite low calorie. Second, it breaks the cycle of addictive behavior because you’re not really eating. You can get away from the behavior much as an alcoholic can (and must) get away from alcohol, and that gives you a better chance of breaking the addictive process.

Though most meal replacement plans do recommend that you eat one ‘normal’ meal per day, some people who are serious about losing weight don’t do even that. That’s precisely how Oprah Winfrey once lost a lot of weight – about fifty pounds. She said that she found it easier not to eat at all (subsisting on meal replacement shakes and bars) than to control her eating. When you know that you won’t be eating ‘real food’ at all for a while, it takes the guesswork out of it. Everything becomes very straightforward, and it’s a fact that many people have lost weight using this method of weight loss.

There are drawbacks, though. For one thing, while a weight loss program is supposed to teach you about how to eat for the rest of your life – to establish healthy habits, in other words – using meal replacements clearly doesn’t do so. Once you go back to eating real food, you might find that your problems with controlling your food intake are still there. Though you will have lost weight, you are more likely to gain it back if you haven’t learned healthy eating habits.

Also, there’s a danger that some people will keep on using the meal replacements for extended periods of time, just because it’s easier and more convenient. Thought they re designed to give you a minimum level of calories and nutrition, meal replacement bars cannot substitute for real food over an extended period.

However, if you know or suspect that your problem with food resembles an addiction or compulsion, it may be worth your while to think about using meal replacements for a while in order to lose some weight. Try to make the time you spend using them as productive as possible, though. Really come to terms with your past behaviour, and learn what it feels like to be full but not stuffed. Figuring out the answer to these and other aspects of healthy eating will help make your weight loss permanent.

Are Herbal Weight Loss Pills The Cure?

Obesity is a common problem among men and women all over the world. Overweight persons have certain other medical complication such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity is determined by the body mass index. If the body mass index of an individual exceeds, then the person is said to obese. Obese persons should consult a physician at the earliest. Moreover, fertility rate in overweight women is less when compared to a normal person. Hence overweight women should consult a physician at the earliest and have his advice to reduce the body weight. Herbal weight loss medications are used now-a-days because they give a cure without much side effects.

To reduce weight, antibiotics are available over the counter. But these antibiotics are produce certain side effects in due course of time, so antibiotics are not preferred for the treatment of obesity, and the better choice of treatment comes in the form of herbal weight loss remedies. These herbal weight loss remedies have more protein and less carbohydrates and fats. Less intake of carbohydrates and fats means less amount of calorie is absorbed in the body of obese person.

Taking food which produces only low calories will reduce the weight of an overweight individual. Yogurt is having less fat, and is best to reduce overweight in an overweight person. Cereal and beans can also be used in reducing weight in an overweight person. Appetite is controlled by taking fruits and vegetables, the fibres in the fruits and vegetables regulates the flow of food in the digestive tract, some of the toxins in the human body can be removed by taking a lot of water.

Few of the herbal medicines controlling the overweight in an overweight person are honey, molasses, syrup of grain which is malted. These herbal weight loss medicines are quiet effective in the treatment in obesity in overweight person. These herbal weight loss medicines are best recommended for reducing overweight in a overweight person. As herbal weight loss medicines does not produce any side effects like certain antibiotics in controlling obesity, these herbal weight loss medicines can be taken to cure any long term diseases.

Herbal weight loss medicines have properties which are therapeutic in nature. Herbal weight loss medicines are much more reliable than the conventional antibiotics used in the treatment of overweight in overweight person. Herbal weight loss medicines should not be taken in large amounts, as it may cause certain side effects. Pregnant women should use herbal weight loss medicine with precaution. About the dosage of herbal weight loss medicine, health care professional has to be consulted. Only a health care professional will know about the exact dosage of herbal weight loss medicine to be taken.

Few of the herbal weight loss medicines are Ephedrine, hydroxtryptophan, pyruvate, aloe, dandelion, guarana. These are quiet effective in the treatment of overweight. Ephedrine as an herbal weight loss medicine effectively suppresses the appetite in a person. As the appetitie in a person is reduced, the person takes only less food, less food means absorption of fewer calories into the body, as fewer calories is absorbed into the body, weight loss is achieved in an effective manner. Herbal weight loss medicine dandelion effectively removes water from the body, thereby reducing the weight of an individual.

The best fat loss system is a body cleanse

Are Diet Pills The Answer?

There has been a lot of flak with how USA has been flirting with health problems because of obesity. More and more people are getting drowned in the onslaught of fast food and junk foods. Remember the movie "Upsize Me"? It played a parody on how Americans are stuffing themselves silly with fatty foods. Over sixty percent of American citizens are considered obese or bordering into it. Many would like to deny this, but deep down inside, most of them would like to change their eating lifestyle.

The fitness and health industry of America is a multibillion business that are resting on the obesity fears of the citizens. Many know the consequences of being fat and would like to change. From aerobics, to exercise machines, to instructional videos, food supplement, diet pills and lots more. Many have embarked on the loss-fat voyage hoping to conquer their binges but no one truly wants to work hard for it. The options provided by the industry keeps their hopes alive in looking and feeling better without breaking a sweat.

So when the emergence of diet pills in popularity came, with promises like, "melt away pounds easily." "Look better in not time at all." Look and Feel great without exercising," and lots more, many people were excited about that concept and jumped into the frenzy. So many questions have cropped up though, is it really that good? Would it really work? Does it have any side effects? Can they really deliver on those promises? Recent studies have shown that some do really work, the problem is, many have been documented to suffer from health setbacks. Heart related problems have arisen and many deaths have been linked to such diet pills.

So how do you know which diet pill would be good for you? Well, only a doctor can truly say. It would be best to subject yourself to a thorough physical first to see the risks that could be involved in taking diet pills.

There is a plethora of diet pills flooding in the market and these are categorized into three types. OTC's or Over the Counter, these are diet pills that can be bought in drug store without the need for doctor's prescriptions. They usually contain little chemicals that can affect the human system much. They are considered less dangerous but is also subjected to FDA testing first before sold to the market. Another form of diet pills is the Herbal supplements. They are not usually labeled as drugs and can also be bought without a prescription. They claim to be all-natural but are still subjected to FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) scrutiny. Then there are the prescription diet pills. They are only sold with doctors' prescriptions and are tightly regulated by the FDA. Doctors also conduct close monitoring on their patients who take this form of diet pills for any damage or risk to their health.

With so many forms, varieties and types, these diet pills don't usually work for everyone since they have different chemical composition as well as the patients have different reactions. Diet pills can have inadvertent effect on each individual. Common side effects are, uncomfortable cramping, gas and diarrhea. This is due to the fact that the drug is taking away important vitamin supplements to the body. That is why some people are advised to take vitamin supplements as well. Some experience a raise in heart palpitation and blood pressure, with this comes along the increase in the risk of a stroke or a heart attack.

When it comes to losing fat, nothing still beats good old hard work and discipline. Even the so called natural diet pills and herbal diet pill products have effects on some people, bad ones. Working up a sweat and following a natural balanced diet is still the best way to go. Get yourself a buddy to guide you and assist you in your weight loss program. Diet pills can be bad, don't get me wrong. You will have to exercise and watch what you eat. In no time at all you'll meet the fitter, healthier more confident you.

The best fat loss system is a body cleanse

Are Atkins Diet And Low Carb Diets Safe?

Are low carb diets safe? How safe is Atkins diet? Are low carb and Atkins diets dangerous to your health? These are burning questions for dieters all over the world.

I have personally tried low carb diets and Atkins diet and these diets made me lose weight very quickly. However not only did I lose body fat weight, I also lost muscle weight. I had very obvious muscle and fat loss because I can visually see my reduced muscle mass in the mirror.

This certainly isn’t healthy. Furthermore, the more muscle mass that you lose, the less toned your body shape is. The end result is that you will end up thin and yet looked flabby with lose skin.

The frustrating part will be that after you are off the low carb or Atkins diet, you will very probably gain back all the weight that you have loss and even more. This is because your muscles are active and they continuously burn calories. Since you have less fewer muscle mass now, your body’s metabolism or capacity to burn calories slows down tremendously.

In other words, when you put on weight again, you are putting on body fat instead of muscles if you do not exercise. You will be fatter and less healthy than before you went on the low carb or Atkins diet. To compound matters, because of lesser muscle tissues resulting in lower metabolism and thus lesser calories being burnt, you are going to get fatter.

Since then I have stayed off both low carb and Atkins diet. Both types of diets are almost similar as they require you to cut down drastically on your consumption of carbohydrates. Atkins diet went a step further by advocating almost no carbohydrate consumption for 2 weeks before adding some carbs to your meals gradually thereafter.

Besides losing muscles, how safe are low carb diets? This is what Dr Lyn Steffen and Dr Jennifer Nettleton from the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health commentated in a Lancet report, “Low carbohydrate diets for weight management are far from healthy, given their association with ketosis, constipation or diarrhea, halitosis, headache and general fatigue to name a few.”

The doctors warned that the diet increases protein load on the kidneys and alters the balance of acid in the body. This also results in loss of minerals from the bone stores and affect bone strength. The doctors went on to say that, “Our most important criterion should be indisputable safety and low carbohydrate diets currently fall short of this benchmark.”

Dr Atkins, the creator of the Atkins diet died in 2003 after he was alleged to have slipped on an icy road and hurt his head fatally. However his medical report stated that he had a history of heart attack, hypertension and congestive heart failure.

Were Dr Atkins medical conditions related to his low carbohydrates diet is anybody’s guess. Do you want to take the risk by going on a low carb diet? I don’t think I will. If I ever want to lose weight again, I will rather go on the proven method of healthy eating and regular exercises instead of jumping on any fad diets.

The best fat loss system is a body cleanse

Are All Zone Diet Products Compliant To The Zone Diet?

The ZonePerfect Nutrition Company has continued to expand and is expected to sell in excess of one hundred million dollars worth of ZonePerfect foods this year. These include Zone diet bars, Zone diet meals, protein shakes and powders, supplements and fish oil capsules to be used as supplements. While these products are labeled as Zone Diet products, Dr. Sears does not agree that they are following the Zone Diet principles, and he is not endorsing several of the products.

In fact, Dr. Barry Sears is endorsing a new product called Smart Zone which is a meal supplement bar produced by Hersheys. There have been several lawsuits regarding the use of the Dr. Sears implied endorsement of ZonePerfect products. Dr. Sears is very clear that he does not endorse these products despite the fact that they use the ZonePerfect name.

What is the issue?

Dr. Barry Sears now operates a company called Zone Labs. They have the only Zone Diet products that Dr. Sears endorses at this time. The Hershey SmartZone bars will also carry Dr. Sears stamp of approval as soon as they are marketed.

The concern with the non-endorsed products is that while they appear to be the Zone products, they are not correctly chemically balanced to control insulin. Since the whole premise of the Zone Diet is to eat foods that will help your body control the hormones that produce and regular insulin it is very important that the chemical composition of the food is exactly correct.

Dr. Sears explains that a diet bar can be a prime example of how things can appear to be Zone foods but are not chemically balanced to work with the program. There are many nutrition bars that are composed of a 40/30/30 balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. The fat in Zone bars comes from a patented fish oil product that actually helps the body slow down the production of insulin and prevents hunger and cravings. Other bars marketed as Zone products have the 40/30/30 ratio but they use flaxseed or soybean oils that don't have the same chemical composition. This oil does nothing to help the body with insulin control and will result in hunger and cravings.

What does Dr. Sears endorse?

Currently Dr. Sears endorses his own line of supplements that include:

* OmegaRx® Fish Oil Concentrates that act to optimize heart, brain and immune system functions as well as help with the hormonal control of insulin production.
* Zone Bars and Shakes that are available for on-the-go meals and snacks. These bars and shakes follow the 40/30/30 ratio and have the added benefit of the omega fish oil for insulin control.
* Zone Ribose is another supplement that is used to increase energy and decrease muscle stiffness and fatigue after exercise.
* SeaHealth Plus is a liquid supplement that provides the vitamins and minerals found in 2-3 servings of fruit and vegetables. It is high in anti-oxidants that rid the body of free radicals.
* An additional line of supplements for body and skeletal health that includes cardio support, bone supplement, hepatic support for detoxification and Zone foundation and micro nutritional support.

The only meal that is endorsed by Dr. Sears as a Zone diet product is the new line of frozen dinners he has developed with Cedarlane, a producer of organic and natural frozen dinners. These Zone endorsed meals include pizza, omelets, enchiladas and burritos. They are designed to be cooked in a microwave and enjoyed.

Dr. Sears continues to develop more supplements and meals that fit into the Zone Diet. Be careful to check that the product you're buying does have Dr. Sear’s endorsement to ensure that you are truly staying in the Zone.

The best fat loss system is a body cleanse

Fat Loss Secret

Are Advertisers To Blame for Americans Weight Loss Issues?

Regardless of which side of this debate you are on, it can be argued that advertisers have used food almost as a weapon to gain market share for their clients. The war of fighting to get the consumer’s attention to purchase certain types of food has adversely affected many people’s effort to achieve permanent weight loss.

Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have also made weight loss and how to lose weight a highly marketable issue on her famous talk show. Oprah herself has suffered with the battle of weight loss and has publicly shown how difficult it can be for us to lose weight in the face of the availability of food and the advertising surrounding food. Everyone at some time in his/her life has tried to lose weight and some have been struggling unsuccessfully with weight loss.

Therefore weight loss is not an issue for the rich or poor in our society but it is an issue for everyone concerned about the health, survival and quality of life of the next generation. We have to avoid the blame game and seek to seriously address the issue of obesity, especially childhood obesity. Society needs to make demands on advertisers. Junk food targeting young, impressionable kids needs to be curtailed and avoided altogether.

Parents should be re-educated on the nutritional value of food for growing, young children. While the ultimate goal is to achieve weight loss and prevent obesity, it is more important to teach people how to prepare nutritious foods and snacks from the simple fruit and vegetables that are found in all food stores across America. guide to natural fat loss system gives the tools necessary to take control of the amount of weight loss. It works on the old fable of "give a fish, feed a man for a day" but "teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime". Armed with the lose weight tools, people will improve their health, spend less time in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Obese people have learned all their bad eating habits from the advertisements that have been forced on them by special interests groups in society. Obesity is the resulting problem and now these same special interests groups want to penalize the obese

Law professor, John Banzhaf is labelled a "public interest law professor". Therefore, the public purpose - save tens of billions in health insurance costs by forcing the advertisers and their clients to develop commercials to show how natural foods (fruit and vegetables) can be used to lose weight. This is another classic example of blaming the victim. Obese people are products of the social and economic environment that we have all created.

An idiot proof diet? It’s so simple!

This is an extremely popular diet among those who are planning to slim. This diet is also called the Fat loss 4 idiots diet. Why such a weird name you ask? Well this diet is so simple and easy to follow that even an idiot can get through it without any trouble. However, the scientific element is not so easy. This diet is based on the whole shifting calories method.

The shifting calorie method is no new discovery. The shifting calorie diet works on the principle of our metabolism getting used to the type and quantity of food we intake. It is true. If you give your body a certain amount of time, your body will get accustomed to the diet you are following. That is the reason why you manage to lose weight when you follow low-fat, low-carbohydrates and low-protein diets. Do it long enough and your body will get accustomed to it and you will shed no more weight. Our bodies have been made in such a way that our metabolism adjusts fast enough to the changes we make, be it eating less of carbohydrates, fats and proteins or eating a different quantity of food as compared to before.

In order for any diet to work, it needs to keep the metabolism of our body at a very high level. Is your diet is giving you a slow metabolism, it just means it is going to take all that more time to burn down your fat. You need a high metabolism in order to burn out more fats. Another minus point about slow metabolism diets is that once you are off the diet, you gain back all the weight and even faster.

The perfect diet would be, one that keeps changing your metabolism, giving your body no chance to get used to it. That is exactly what the shifting calorie method is all about. You keep changing your eating routine and that indeed leads to high metabolism which then reacts into weight loss. Makes sense doesn’t it? The idiot proof diet is formed along the same lines. The diet offers you a different list of rules to follow. The diet encourages you to eat 4 meals a day. The type of food you eat at every meal will be rotated ensuring that your metabolism is high and your fat is being burned out.

The good news about this idiot proof diet is that it involves no exercise at all. I’m sure I’ve captured your full attention here. Yes, indeed no exercise. This diet does something special; it claims to help you lose 9lbs in just 11 days. Awesome isn’t it? On an average, many people who have done this diet have lost up to 9lbs in 11 days. That too is good enough.

The idiot proof diet is everything it claims to be. But remember you are only going to get results if you stay committed to the plan. You need to follow it strictly and religiously.

Other ways to lose weight:

Fat Loss Secret
Fat Loss System
Body Cleanse

An Exercise Plan To Lose Weight

Do you have an exercise plan to lose weight? Two excellent choices to consider are the elliptical workout and the treadmill weight loss workout.

Let's compare the two kinds of workouts so you will be able to determine which exercise plan to lose weight works best for you.

An elliptical trainer workout has become very popular and actually has a few advantages over a treadmill.

It is less strenuous to the knees, joints and lower back so it is very suitable for people with injuries.

It also works all the parts of your body continuously giving you a total body workout. An elliptical trainer workout is great for cardio fitness and you can get a good workout in a short period of time.

A treadmill workout is still a very popular workout today. Many people buy a treadmill so the whole family can use it. A treadmill workout is perfect for beginners because the intensity in the workout is adjustable by walking, jogging or running.

Treadmill weight loss can best be achieved by exercising within your target heart range zone. Here is how to find the right target heart rate for you.

First, you need to find out what your heart rate is while exercising after five minutes. To test your heart rate place your thumb on the underside of your wrist to locate your pulse.

Count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply that number times four. That number is your heart rate.

To calculate your ideal target heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For successful treadmill weight loss exercise within 70% of your target heart range zone.

Both the elliptical trainers and treadmills help you to burn fat and are perfect exercise plans to lose weight. Exercising not only tones your muscles, but actually gives you more energy for your whole day.

You can purchase treadmills and elliptical workout trainers on the Internet as well as fitness stores. Both machines are very effective for burning fat and losing weight. Just make sure that you buy quality equipment that will last.

If you are looking to burn body fat and take off weight, these two machines can be a great help for your exercise plan to lose weight.

Fat Loss Secret

An Apt Solution To Kill Obesity-Phentermine Prescription

Obesity is the bane of your existence. My bulkiness always deviated me from enjoying life. When I went out on the streets, children used to mock at me. I started ignoring my friends and avoided interacting with people. My excess body weight was becoming like a curse. My joy knew no bounds when my doctor gave me a solution to shed my obesity. That was Phentermine prescription.

Phentermine prescription is ideal for those who want to shed tremendous amount of weight within a short span of time. It is usually carried on for a period of 8-12 weeks. Stimulating the brain it increases the heart rate and blood pressure and thus acts like an appetite suppressant.

Weight loss with phentermine prescription is greatest during the first few weeks of taking the medicine. It levels down gradually with the use. Weight loss differs from person to person depending upon the height, weight and medical history.

It is not advisable to take phentermine prescription without the consultation of a doctor. Your doctor will prescribe the right dosage for you. Take the medicine strictly as recommended by the doctor. Do not try to double it. It will not give any better results rather can affect your health.

Phentermine Prescription is best taken on an empty stomach. It is right to take it 1 hour before the meals. The pill must be swallowed the whole. Crushing or chewing the medicine may make it loose its effect or have increased side-effects.

Phentermine cannot be prescribed for those who suffer from the following-:

• Heart disease
• Diabetes
• Glaucoma
• High blood pressure
• Arteriosclerosis
• Thyroid
• Epilepsy
• Anxiety disorder
• Seizure disorder

Healthy living does not only mean popping a diet pill daily. It involves regular exercises and a low-calorie diet. Phentermine prescription works well when proper physical work outs go in conjunction with it.

Immediate medical help must be taken if one experiences any of the following side-effects while taking phentermine prescription.

• Breathlessness
• Closing of throat
• Swelling of lips, tongue or face
• Restlessness
• Anxiety
• Dry mouth

Since phentermine prescription may also cause dizziness, therefore one must avoid doing certain hazardous works such as driving or operating machinery. Avoid taking the medicine late in the day as it can cause insomnia.

Phentermine can be habit forming. Do not take the medicine more than the time prescribed by the doctor. Before stopping the medicine do consult your doctor.

The only side effect of The Total Wellness Cleanse is to lose weight and fell better

All Diets Work--No Diets Work

Have you lost weight in the past only to regain it a short time later? Have you followed every diet including Atkins, South Beach, the Drinking Man's diet, the Peanut Butter diet, or even the Chocolate Diet? All of these diets work, and none of them work, meaning you can and probably do lose weight on any of them, but you won't keep it off. Why not? Because the day will come when the diet is over and you're right back to your regular routine; the same routine that got you fat in the first place.

In the past diets carried a warning not to stay on them longer than the prescribed period; usually two weeks, some a mere three days. Today's popular diets are attempting to style themselves as lifestyle choices, but this isn't working either. People want to be able to eat a sandwich now and then. They want the burger and the bun! Strive for balance choosing foods you prefer, and you'll have a better chance at lasting weight loss success.

Small Changes: Big Answer to Weight Loss Blues

Start today, and work one day at a time making one or two small changes such as switching to the calorie-free soft drinks then weaning yourself down to two or less a day (if you drink more than that now of course). Changes don't have to be drastic. In fact trying to make drastic changes in your lifestyle never works because while you may be happy in the beginning, you slowly grow miserable toward the end. In fact, that's the problem right there: you anticipate an end.

Weight Loss Comes Down to Choices

Talk to people who've lost weight and kept it off. They'll say, "This is a lifestyle." It's about choices you make every day. Are you choosing to take an extra helping, even though you're comfortably full? Change that one behavior and you're on your way. Do you choose to take the bag of chips to the couch? Change that, in fact just stop eating on the couch entirely and you're one step closer. Eliminate the habit of grabbing a few bites on your way past the candy dish, that alone can shave several pounds. I once lost eight pounds simply by eliminating the candy dish I kept at my desk (not to mention the money I saved not buying a couple pounds of candy a week).

Choose one small habit or behavior at a time, not your entire existence, and you'll have a much better chance to reach your weight loss goals.